Solar Energy – Maintenance
APOTI carried out a solar energy system maintenance project in the Huni Kuin villages on the Jordan River. The villages chosen for this maintenance stage were: São Joaquim, Astro Luminoso and Novo Natal. This trip also included brief maintenance in the villages of Boa Vista and Bari, as well as quick visits to the villages of Boa Esperança and Chico Curumim.
São Joaquim

In the São Joaquim village, the lighting system was inoperative, despite the culture point’s solar system. APOTI separated the battery array in order to optimize power distribution over long distances. New batteries, controllers and inverters were installed, as well as lamps with individual switches for lighting in the residents’ homes, the Memory Center, the internal kupixawa and the forest essences laboratory.
Astro Luminoso

In the Astro Luminoso village, the energy system was completely disabled. The inverter had broken and was removed by the community. Everything indicates that the cause of the problem was the connection of a speaker with greater power than the inverter. APOTI restored the system with new cable rolls to relight the residents’ homes. A controller was also installed, which was connected to flexible solar panels, a battery bank and the new inverter, which powers the lighting and electronic equipment recharging system.
Novo Natal

In the Novo Natal village, the solar system was also completely inoperative. APOTI relocated the system to a the new crafts house – a collective place, reconnected the solar panels, and installed new lightening in residents’ homes.

APOTI replaced a burned out inverter and installed installed new switches to reduce energy loss due to distance and individual control of the lamps; since in this village there were only two general switches, one for the left side, the other for the right. A technical assesment was also done aimed at future reforms in the system.
Boa Vista
Foto: Divulgação
APOTI performed a technical assesment was aimed at future reforms in the system. A clear loss of energy efficiency was detected which was inhibiting the system to support expansions, such as the installation of new lamps (and poles, a demand from the community).