Solar Energy – Humaitá River
APOTI executed a broad solar energy installation and maintenance project in the Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá River, covering four of its five villages: Vigilante, Boa Sorte, Boa Vista and Novo Futuro.
The objective of this project was to provide the majority of villages in the Indigenous Land with solar energy, thus seeking equality, sharing of benefits and expanding the number of families affected by the project. This included the review, maintenance and expansion of electrical installations in the Novo Futuro village and the creation of new installations in the villages Boa Sorte, Boa Vista, Vigilante and on the other side of the river in the Novo Futuro village, which had no power source.
In the Novo Futuro village, a profound overhaul was carried out, with the installation of new batteries, reformulation and reorganization of systems and the redistribution of the electrical network. Individual switches were installed in each lamp. Direct current voltage was also replaced by alternating current, in order to optimize energy performance over long distances. The same pattern was used in the other villages.
The project also covered education and training, with maintenance classes for interested young people and meetings with the community to clarify doubts and provide guidance on the most correct use of solar energy.