Huni Kuin Culture and Spirituality Center

Project Aim: Design, construction and implementation of the HUNI KUIN SPIRITUALITY AND CULTURE CENTER complex in the Boa Vista village, in Terra Indígena Kaxinawá do Rio Jordão, a reference point for the social, cultural and spiritual development of the Huni Kuin people.

Design and construction of a traditional Shubuã: (01) Shubuã (16m Ø) for large events;
– Based on local needs, availability of building materials and reflecting local traditions;
– Built by hand with the support and participation of the community and its authorities;
– Built with local wood and thatched roof with palm leaves.
– Reinforced structure capable of withstanding strong heat and heavy rain

1. Support and strengthen the development of around 4000 inhabitants of 34 local communities with the implementation of a complex of cultural and spiritual centers.
2. Provide facilities reserved for advanced studies and treatments, ensuring that elders can impart their knowledge and experiences to local indigenous people and foreigners without disturbing village life.

3. To improve the living standards of women and children by installing healthy, efficient and environmentally friendly cooking stoves and an adequate cooking area.
4. Ensure compliance with basic health standards, reduce the spread of disease and improve the quality of life in the community by installing composting toilets.
5. Raise awareness about solid waste disposal and its impact on the community by co-creating an initial waste management plan.