Transformative initiatives
Discover our sustainable development projects, promoting the strengthening of indigenous and traditional communities. We positively impact the lives of thousands of people, preserving cultures and natural resources.
Together, we build a fairer and more sustainable future for everyone. Discover how we make a difference!
Together, we build a fairer and more sustainable future for everyone. Discover how we make a difference!

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Jordão River
Solar Pumping – Boa Vista & Nova Fortaleza
Installation of two solar pumping systems in the villages of Boa Vista and Nova Fortaleza, the first phase of the project carried out in partnership with Guardians of the Jungle.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Jordão river
Solar Energy – Bari & Nova Fortaleza
Installation of two solar energy systems with lithium batteries in the villages of Bari and Nova Fortaleza, the first phase of the project carried out in partnership with Guardians of the Jungle.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Lands of Jordão River and Lower Jordão River
UPASH – Astro Luminoso & Nova Aliança
Installation of a drinking water system with an artesian well, powered by solar pumping, with water storage and distribution, in the villages Astro Luminoso and Nova Aliança.

Aldeia Boa Vista, T. I. Kaxinawá do Rio Jordão
Craft Workshop
Weaving and beading crafts Workshop.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Jordão River
Restoration – Solar Energy – Nova Aliança
Complete restoration of two solar energy systems in the Nova Aliança village, which was destroyed by the February 2024 flood.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Lower Jordão river
Solar Energy – São Joaquim
Installation of a huge solar energy system with lithium battery in the São Joaquim village, covering the Fundo Segredo and Memory Center neighborhoods.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Lands of the Lower Jordão River and Seringal Independência
Internet and Rural Telephone
APOTI installed 3 internet and rural telephone systems in the villages Morada Nova, Mae Bena and Nova União, in the Kaxinawá Indigenous Lands of the Jordão region.

Morada Nova Village, Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Lower Jordão River
Huni Kuin Solar Technician Workshop
The first Huni Kuin Technician Training Workshop in Solar Energy and Maintenance in the Morada Nova village.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Lands of the Jordão river and Seringal Independência
Water Project – Jordão and Tarauacá Rivers
Installation of drinking water systems in 6 villages: Arco-Íris, Reino da Estrela, Coração da Floresta, Sacado, Bom Futuro and Canafista.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of Seringal Independência
Solar Energy – Seringal Independência
Installation of 4 solar energy systems in the villages Flor da Mata, Mae Bena e Nova União, in the Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Seringal Independência.

Boavista village, Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Jordão river
Huni Kuin Culture and Spirituality Center
Construction and implementation of the "Huni Kuin Culture and Spirituality Center" complex in the Boa Vista village, Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Jordão river.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Lands of the Jordão river
Solar Energy – Middle Rio Jordão
Installation of 7 solar energy systems in Canafista, Nova Aliança and Bela Vista villages, as the first part of the project "Solar Energy and Potable Water – Kaxinawá Indigenous Lands".

Indigenous Lands Igarapé do Caucho and Katukina/Kaxinawá
Water Project – Dezoito Praias and Shanenawá
Drilling of 2 artesian wells water systems, in Dezoito Praias village, in Igarapé do Caucho Indigenous Land of the Huni Kuin people, and Shanenawá village of the Shanenawa people.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Lands of Jordão River and Lower Jordão River
Solar Energy – Morada Nova, Nova Extrema and Sacado
Installation of new solar energy systems in Nova Extrema, Morada Nova and Sacado villages.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Lands of the Jordão river and Lower Jordão river
Reactivation of Wells with Solar Energy
Installation of solar pumping, storage and distribution of water from Amazon wells in 4 villages: São Joaquim, Novo Natal, Novo Segredo and Morada Nova.

Indigenous Land Igarapé do Caucho
Water Project – Caucho
Installation of 3 water systems with artesian wells (in the groups Txana Huya, Yura Xaba Wãkin and Txana Ibu) in Aldeia do Caucho, of the Huni Kuin people.

Novo Futuro Village, Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of Humaitá river
Water Project – Novo Futuro II
Drilling of an artesian well with solar pumping installation in the Nova Aldeia neighborhood, Aldeia Novo Futuro, Kaxinawá Indigenous Land on the Humaitá river.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá river
Water Project – Vigilante and Boa Vista
Installation of 2 water systems with artesian wells and solar pumping in the Vigilante and Boa Vista villages, in the Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá river.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Lands of the Jordão River, Lower Jordão River and Seringal Independência
Solar Energy – 9 villages in Jordão river
Solar energy installations and maintenance in São Joaquim, Astro Luminoso, Boa Vista, Novo Natal, Bari, Três Fazendas, Coração da Floresta, Novo Segredo and Lago Lindo.

Novo Futuro Village, Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá river
Internet via Satellite
Installation of internet connection through a satellite signal in Aldeia Novo Futuro, Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá river.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá River
Solar Pumping
Solar pumping installation in 2 water systems with artesian wells, in the Novo Futuro and Boa Sorte villages, in the Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá river.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá river
Water Project – Novo Futuro and Boa Sorte
Drilling of 2 artesian wells and installation of water systems in the Novo Futuro and Boa Sorte villages, in the Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá river.

Boa Vista village, Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Jordão River
AINBU Project – Women’s Gathering
Meeting of women with masters specializing in the arts of kene (traditional Huni Kuin graphical patterns).

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá River
Solar Energy – Humaitá River
Installation and expansion of solar energy in 4 villages in the Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá River: Novo Futuro, Boa Vista, Boa Sorte and Vigilante.

Jordão (AC)
AINBU Project – Preparatory Workshop
Preparatory workshop for the Women’s Gathering in Aldeia Boa Vista.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Jordão River and Lower Jordão River
Solar Energy – Maintenance
Maintenance of solar energy systems in 5 villages on the Jordão River: São Joaquim, Astro Luminoso, Novo Natal, Boa Vista and Bari.

Novo Futuro village, Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Humaitá river
Solar Energy – Novo Futuro
Installation of photovoltaic lighting aimed to provide lighting to all residences in the village and common areas.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Jordão river
Solar Energy – Boa Vista and Bari
Implementation of 4 solar energy systems with installation of distribution networks, lamps, controllers, inverters, solar panels and batteries in 2 villages: Bari and Boa Vista.

Kaxinawá Inidgenous Lands of the Jordão river and Lower Jordão River
Solar Energy – Huni Kuin Game III
Installation of a new solar energy system in the Coração da Floresta village, maintenance and expansion in 6 other villages and restoration of cultural points.

Kaxinawá Indigenous Land of the Jordão River, Lower Jordão River and Seringal Independência
Solar Energy – Huni Kuin Game II
Installation of new solar energy systems in Astro Luminoso, Boa Vista and Lago Lindo villages. Maintenance in São Joaquim and Novo Natal villages.